The Iron Age in Italy is a period of major cultural developments with the upsurge of new ethnic/tribal units but also with ample evidence for long-distance exchange. A high degree of mobility and the amalgam of cultural traits of various origins are the characteristics of the period discussed, which contributed significantly to the rise of towns and Early States in Italy. Some artefacts categories with wide distribution patterns will be presented. These patterns establish that in central Italy there is a gradual shift from Villanovan to Orientalising, from an orientation towards the North that is increasingly replaced by a Levantine trend. Particularly during the Late Villanovan period (825-750/700 BC), one can discern crossroads between Urnfield and Levantine phenomena. The Near-Eastern origin of several of the status symbols in the wealthy Late Villanovan tombs indicates that this period has a Proto-Orientalising disposition. Contexts documenting a gradual increase in Levantine acculturation, will be introduced.
1. Albert J. Nijboer (University of Groningen)
Italy, its Interconnections and Cultural Shifts During the Iron Age
2. Annette Rathje (University of Copenhagen)
Tracking down the Orientalizing
3. Christopher Pare (Institut für Vor-und Frühgeschichte)
Interpreting contacts between Central Europe and Italy during the 9th and 8th century BC
4. Cristiano Iaia (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Fra Europa Centrale e Mediterraneo: modelli di recipienti e arredi in bronzo nell’ Italia centrale della prima età del Ferro
5. Ferdinando Sciacca (Independent Researcher)
Commerci fenici nel Tirreno orientale: uno sguardo dalle grandi necropoli
6. Franco Campus (Independent Researcher),Valentina Leonelli (Independent Researcher), Fulvia Lo Schiavo ( ex-Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici della Toscana)
La transizione culturale dell’età del bronzo all’età del ferro nella Sardegna nuragica in relazione con l’Italia tirrenica
7. Bruno D’Agostino (Università delgi Studi di Napoli L’Orientale)
Osservazioni al convegno