
Roman common wares from the late republican cryptoporticus of Fabrateria Nova. Progetto di ricerca “Fabrateria Nova” Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale e Istituto Archeologico Germanico di Roma (concessione SABAP FR-LT)
Table of Contents/Sommario
The Challenge of a Common Approach
Proceedings of the session #346 of the 28th EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, September, 2nd 2022), organised by the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes (MIC), the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio and the German Archaeological Institute in Rome
Atti della sessione #346 del 28° EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, 2 settembre 2022), organizzata da Direzione Generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturali (MIC), Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale e Istituto Archeologico Germanico di Roma
T. FRÖHLICH, E. POLITO – Bringing Roman Coarse Ware to the Point: an Introduction (pp. 5-10)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_01
C.P. VENDITTI, M. TALONI – Roman coarse wares in Fabrateria Nova: an attempt of classification (pp. 11-48)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_02
B. CIARROCCHI – La ceramica comune (IV-VI secolo d.C.) da un’area archeologica presso Ponte Milvio (pp. 49-72)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_03
S. WILLEMS, C. CHAIDRON, B. BORGERS – “Don’t judge coarse wares by their ugliness…”. The benefits of fabric analysis and the use of Supervised Deep Learning algorithms for the study of Roman pottery (FabricAI) (pp. 73-96)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_04
J.C. QUARESMA, M. LOPES – Coarse ware’s stratigraphic evolution in the western Atlantic shore of Hispania (475-575 AD): the case of Almoínhas, Loures, Lisbon (475-500 AD) (pp. 97-128)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_05
A. RICCATO – Investigating Roman coarse wares in northern Italy. Methods and first results from the case study of Aquileia (pp. 129-165)
DOI: 10.60978/BAO_XV_Suppl_01_05