A 10. Lybia and North Africa in Archaic and Classical times: reconsidering the role of the Local Communities in the light of the recent Archaeological Investigations

The archaeological investigation, and historical interpretation, of ancient Libya, has traditionally focussed its attention mainly in Pheonician and Greek colonisations, followed by the Roman conquest and subsequent reorganisation of the territory. Little was known of the local people, mostly mentioned in Classical sources and poorly investigated in their archaeological remains, till the last decade.

The present session presents different topics dealing with the recently excavated or studied remains of local communities, both on the coast (Cyrene) and in the Saharan region of Fazzan (Ghat and Fewet). Moreover, attention is given to the active role of the desert communities both in the introduction and adaptation of irrigation systems – foggaras – allowing the development of an intensive agriculture in the Saharan oases, and to their key role in the organisation of trade through caravan roads. Caravans crossed the desert and allowed exotic imports from inner Africa to flow to the Mediterranean emporia, while precious items from the rich colonies in the coast reached the local polities, developing, in Classical times, into proto-state entities.


  1. Mario Luni, Claudia Cardinali, Francesca Uttoveggio, Oscar Mei (Università di Urbino)

Traccie della frequentazione libya nel sito di fondazione di Cirene

  1. Lucia Mori (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)

Between the Sahara and the Mediterranean Coast: the Archaeological Research in the Oasis of Fewet (Fazzan, Libyan Sahara) and the Rediscovery of the Garamantes

  1. Maria Carmela Gatto (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)

The Garamantes of the Fazzan: Imported Pottery and Local Productions

  1. Stefano De Angeli, Stefano Finocchi (Università della Tuscia di Viterbo)

Origine e diffusione dei canali idrici drenanti (qanats/foggaras) in Africa settentrionale in età antica