C 9. Expressions of cultural exchange in Roman Greece

In Winckelmann’s magisterial work, The History of Art in Antiquity, the Roman period is portrayed as little more than a period of imitation and decline — a view that influenced Classical scholarship for almost two centuries. As a consequence, Roman Greece, a period that serves as an important link between the Classical and Byzantine worlds, received little in the way of scholarly attention until the publication of Susan Alcock’s book, Graecia Capta, in 1993, which marked a turning point in the study of Roman Greece. Within the last decade or so, studies pertaining to this period have increased considerably. The papers in this session can hope to offer but a tantalizing sample of the research activity currently being undertaken.

Presentations focus on the organization and evolution of sanctuaries within the Greek cultural landscape, the examination of public and private monuments and their adornment, and objects of cultural and economic exchange. In an effort to enrich our knowledge of the socioeconomic, historical, religious, artistic, architectural and technological achievements in Roman Greece, scholars will offer new insights into the material remains from sites currently under investigation alongside careful re-examination and analyses of previously excavated material. Studies reveal that Roman influences are introduced and adopted and, where necessary, adapted to meet the needs of a new evolving society. Given this cultural exchange, Roman Greece acquires a cosmopolitan character, and becomes part of an ‘international’ cultural koine within the Mediterranean basin.


  1. Giovanna Falezza (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Lo spazio dei misteri: nuove forme di comunicazione nei santuari greci nel II sec. d. C.

  1. Marianna Bressan, Paolo Bonini (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Tradizione e romanità nella Grecia imperiale: convivenza o integrazione?

  1. Emmanouela Gounari (University of Thessaloniki)

The Roman Mosaics from Fhilippi: Evidence of the Presence of Romans in the City

  1. Marina Albertocchi (Università Cà Foscari di Venezia)

Considerazioni sul programma decorativo della ‘Casa Romana’ di Coo: modelli dell’abitare tra impero e provincia

  1. Maria Papaioannou (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

East Meets West: The Pottery Evidence from Abdera