G 6. Hellenistic-Roman Coastal Settlements of the Southern Levant: Regional and Interregional Assessments

Organizers: Katerina Galor & Tomasz Waliszewski (Brown University)
Discussant: Oren Tal (Tel Aviv University)

  1. Joseph Patrich
    Hellenistic and Roman Berytus from Tryphon to Trajan: settlement and economy
  2. Katharina Galor (Brown University)
    Hellenistic and Roman Apollonia-Arsuf
  3. Jean-Baptiste Humbert (École biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem)
    Une maison hellénistique aux murs peints à Gaza (Palestine)
  4. Kevin Butcher (University of Warwick)
    Hellenistic and Roman Berytus: regional and interregional exchange
  5. Pierre-Louis Gatier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Tyre, métropole de la Phénicie romaine
  6. Tomasz Waliszewski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
    Porphyreon, Chhim and the hinterland of Sidon in the Roman period