F 1. Urbanization and state formation in Italy during the 1st millenium BC

La formazione della città nel Lazio (The Formation of the city in Latium). In Rome in the late 1970s, debate on urban formation in middle-Tyrrhenian Italy during the 8th- 7th centuries B.C. has been polarised between two opposing schools of thought: Orientalists and Occidentalists. ‘Orientalists’ (mainly Etruscologists, historians and some archaeologist such as C. Ampolo) emphasise the influence of external stimuli from the Eastern Mediterranean, through Greek and Phoenician colonization. While ‘Occidentalists’ (mainly proto- historians, under the guidance of R. Peroni, Etruscologist such as M. Torelli and G. Colonna, and classical archaeologists such as A. Carandini), claim that urbanization in the 8 th- 7 th centuries B.C. is the result of local processes (detectable by settlement development and the growth of social complexity) which date from the Final Bronze Age, if not earlier. However new research perspectives are overcoming this old debate, and concepts such as ‘networks’ and ‘hybridization’ are providing better approaches for the study of interactions among Mediterranean cultures during the 1 st millennium B.C. With these perspectives in mind, the interactions between autochthonous and external stimuli in urbanization and state formation in Italy will be investigated. Firstly, ‘Primary’ urbanization in Central Italy will be presented by comparing political developments and identity formation in Etruria and Latium in the light of traditional and new perspectives (Fulminante, Stoddart) and by focusing on Fidenae and Crustumerium, and their relations with Rome and Veii (Barbaro). Then external stimuli and local developments will be investigated by analysing Greek influences in the construction of a new urban aristocratic ideology (Guidi, Santoro). Finally, ‘Contrasted’ urbanization will be examined using Magna Grecia (Pacciarelli) as a case study; ‘supposed secondary urbanization’ will be illustrated in the Middle-Adriatic region (d’Ercole) and in Northern Italy (Leonardi).

1. Alessandro Guidi (Università di Roma Tre), Francesca Fulminante

2. Barbara Barbaro (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Nascite simili e diverse: il passaggio all’assetto territoriale protourbano durante la fase terminale del Bronzo finale in Etruria meridionale

3. Francesca Fulminante (University of Cambridge), Simon Stoddart (University of Cambridge)
Formazione politica a confronto in Etruria e Latium vetus: status quaestionis e nuove prospettive di ricerca

4. Giovanni Leonardi (Università degli Studi di Padova)
Premesse sociali e culturali alla formazione dei centri protourbani del Veneto

5. Alessandro Guidi (Università degli Studi di Verona) & Paola Santoro (Istituto di studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo antico – CNR)
Il ruolo dei Greci nella formazione della nuova ideologia aristocratica urbana

6. M. Pacciarelli (Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II)
Attemps of Urbanization in Indigenous Southern Italy: Contacts / Conflicts with the Colonial Greek Culture

7. Vincenzo D’Ercole (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali)
External Influences in the First Urbanization of Middle-Adriatic Italy